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Is Creme Brulee Safe to Eat While Pregnant

Christmas is a time for indulgence. But what's really safe to eat on a pregnant Christmas day? We answer five of your most popular Christmas food queries.

Query 1: I want to eat eggs for breakfast; are they ok to eat when pregnant?


Starting the day off right on Christmas means a leisurely breakfast or brunch. Until recently, pregnant women were advised not to eat soft eggs; but the great news is that advice has changed and the Department of Health says they are now safe to eat, thanks to a programme of vaccinating chickens against salmonella. So, pregnant women can now eat lightly cooked hens' eggs as long as they carry the British Lion mark (stamped on each egg).

red lion stamp

This means that you can eat poached, scrambled and boiled eggs where the yolks are not entirely cooked through but are still a little runny.

Query 2: I'm unsure whether the Christmas buffet or meal is full of foods I shouldn't eat?


There are items you should avoid that may crop up on a buffet, or at your Christmas lunch table; these are:

  • All types of paté – that includes vegetable paté too. They may contain listeria monocytogenes.
  • Certain types of seafood such as oysters, mussels, prawns and other shellfish – they may harbour bacteria that could cause food poisoning and are best avoided altogether.
  • Pork products that have been cured, not cooked. These include pepperoni, Parma ham and salami.
  • Undercooked meat – avoid all rare meats that have not been thoroughly cooked through. All meat and poultry, especially the Christmas turkey, should be thoroughly cooked until there is not a trace of blood and the juices run clear (see Query 3).
  • Sausages, burgers and mince – undercooked sausages and sausage rolls can be a risk, as can undercooked mince that may be used to make the burgers or sausages. Make sure they are thoroughly cooked until the pink has disappeared.
  • Liver and liver products (like paté) should be avoided because they contain too much Vitamin A, which can lead to birth defects.
  • Unwashed salads or vegetables. Always wash bagged salad, even if it says it has been washed already. Thoroughly wash raw vegetables that may be used as crudités. If you are not preparing the meal, either check with the chef that this has been done or avoid the food.
  • Potato salad and coleslaw. If they contain freshly-made mayonnaise, using raw eggs, it is best to avoid them unless you know they have been made using eggs stamped with the British Lion mark. If these items have been made with shop-bought, non-refrigerated mayonnaise from a jar, then they are ok to eat as these use pasteurised egg. Some other sauces like Bearnaise, Tartare Sauce and Hollandaise may be made with raw eggs – so it's always best to check.

Smoked salmon and cold cooked meats like ham, cooked chicken, turkey or beef are safe to eat in pregnancy, just make sure you follow three simple safety rules;

  • buy it in a sealed pack from a supermarket well within its Sell By Date (don't be tempted to go for a reduced price packet that has almost expired)
  • store it in the fridge at a temperature below 50C
  • use it up within its Best Before date.

Peanuts are also safe to eat, unless of course you have a nut allergy.

Query 3: Is turkey off limits due to the risk of salmonella?


The good news is that turkey is a lean meat rich in vitamins, so it's good for you. There is very little fat in poultry, so it's a good choice over beef or pork. Make sure the bird is thoroughly cooked (when you put a knife into the fattest part of the thigh, the juices should be clear, with not a trace of blood), so as to kill all bacteria including salmonella.

If you help prepare the bird, do not wash it before cooking, as this can splash bacteria onto kitchen surfaces and also, make sure you wash your hands and the surfaces thoroughly afterwards to avoid toxoplasmosis.

Query 4: Cream custard and ice cream are off limits, aren't they?


If you buy shop-bought ice cream, tinned or carton custard or cream well within its sell-by date, you'll be fine. Some home-made desserts such as mousses, tiramisu, Christmas cake with Royal icing, custard and some ice cream can contain raw egg, so it is best to avoid. Those with cooked eggs like crème caramel are fine. Fresh whipped cream is made from pasteurised milk and is safe in pregnancy. It is, of course, important that it is stored in the fridge and once opened used within two days. 'Squirty' cream in a can is UHT (ultra heat treated) and is also safe in pregnancy. It should be stored in the fridge and used before the expiry date on the can. Take care to wash the nozzle carefully before and after use.

Query 5: There are so many rules about cheese! What can I and can't I eat when pregnant?


The advice on cheese can be confusing but to put it simply, hard cheese good, soft cheese bad. But that's not the full story. Some cheeses can harbour bacteria called listeria, which can give you a nasty dose of food poisoning. This is downright uncomfortable for you and potentially harmful for your baby.

So it's best to avoid mould-ripened soft cheeses (cheeses with a white rind) like camembert, brie and goat's cheese. Plus, avoid soft blue-veined cheeses such as gorgonzola, roquefort and danish blue.

BUT you can eat these cheeses if they are cooked thoroughly, so any cheese baked goods are fine, as is the cheese on pizzas and in pies.

Soft cheeses and related foods that are ok to eat, include cream cheese, feta, cottage cheese, mozzarella, paneer, ricotta, halloumi, crème fraiche, sour cream, cheese spread and processed cheese (provided they've been made from pasteurised milk). Non-mould-ripened goats cheese and stilton are ok to eat too.

All hard cheeses (such as cheddar, gruyere and parmesan) are fine to eat when pregnant, even if they are made with unpasteurised milk.

Find out more about avoiding pregnancy risks

Note: If you are doing the cooking, you shouldn't have a problem with following these tips. If, however, you're visiting someone else's house for a meal, it can be more problematic. If you are able, have a chat with the hosts beforehand to alert them to things you can or can't eat. If you have not yet announced your pregnancy, or don't feel you know them well enough, it's best to simply avoid suspect foods. If you are going to a restaurant for a meal, it may be best to phone first to check what you can and can't eat.

Is Creme Brulee Safe to Eat While Pregnant
