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I'm Starting to Get Bored of Games, How Do I Get Back Into It

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  1. Could be the lack of new good rpg games out there possibly, but everything seems rather unappetising to me.
    Hitman was the last game I enjoyed and that was a year ago *yikes*
  2. I feel like the older I get the less I enjoy playing games.
  3. You just need a decent go-to game that you can play at any time for a half hour at least. Sport games are good for that.
  4. I still like playing games, but I sort of transitioned into liking making games instead of liking playing them :)
  5. Since I started making games, I tend to get bored very quickly now. I'd rather spend my time in front of the PC being productive, either learning new things or working on my own game.

    I'm not sure if this is because I've outgrown games, or if it's some sort of game developer anomaly.

  6. Bored? Planet Side 2. :)
  7. I don't think it's about age. Maybe when you know games on the level you need to to be a game developer, it takes something out from them. You just think of games differently...

    One game I definitely still enjoy playing is Minecraft. I like exercising my creativity :)

  8. I have this too. I keep thinking I want to actually play a game, then when I try to think of a game I want to play, I end up wanting to just work on my own game instead. There isn't a super awesome game I really want to play anymore (or right now). I'm not sure if this is because of my own taste in games right now, or if it's because there actually aren't any good games?

    I really want there to be a game I can really enjoy, but it hasn't happened yet. It might be this "game developer anomaly" you speak of :)

  9. It makes sense that its lost some its voodoo which has spoiled the enjoyment. I have gone through periods where I didn't play any games years, 1999-2002, and 2003-2007 (played morrowind inbetween) I don't remember playing a single game, I remember I saw Assassins Creed on Xbox on youtube, went out and brought an Xbox360 and the game that very same day.
  10. I dont really play games anymore. Last story driven game I played was The Last of Us. in terms of daily play, ive played excessive amounts of League of Legends this past year or so and spent ridiculous amounts on it too. Recently not played as much, lost interest, play 1 game every couple of days? sometimes cold turkey for a week or so, just wait for new champions really.
  11. I agree with the first option: wait a year until more interesting stuff comes out.

    I think the industry is in too much of a copy-cat phase right now. ie. Everything is a blatant clone or cash grab.

  12. I'm at the odd place where I go out and buy games and the never download/open them. I've got like seven ps3 games unopened(including Last of Us/ bioshock) and ten or so steam games I bought up on the Christmas sale that I haven't downloaded. I buy them excited to play then get home and just program. Only games I play right now is Europa Universalis 4 and only when my mate is ready for multiplayer.

    I go through fazes where I either play games or program for a week.

  13. If I'm not able to enjoy any game that usually means I'm not able to relax properly at that moment.

    There are enough games that can get me hooked. More than I can actually play. But it's not uncommon for me to not touch any game for 2-3 months.

  14. Same here. I think I've bought about 7 games off Steam this year. I've probably spent in total about 10 hours overall on all these games. Many of them I opened once, and never played again.
  15. I love when there are no good games out there to play... it means fewer distractions from actually working on the games I'm developing myself :)
  16. I'm not enjoying games much either, but that's mostly because of emotional issues, stress, and lack of time.
  17. Heu


    Feb 13, 2012
    Sometimes a break from gaming is needed. Wait for another few months or so and you'll get back into gaming if you try.

    Im waiting for the new Mount And Blade so I can spend another 2,000 hours on that, so that's something to look forwards too.

  18. Last game I really enjoyed was Batman Asylum.

    Because it had good acting and a good story.

    I played it on OnLive. But then OnLive lost all my data for BioShock so I stopped playing for a while.

    Yeah, but the challenge of making a game is greater than the challenge of playing most games out there. Especially when you can put your game on the app stores and make real money. Rather than pretend money in Sim City or whatever.

    Life is a game. :)

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  19. I'm surprised this took so long to come up! Games aren't the only thing in life. If you're not interested in games around at the moment then do something else for a bit. Either you'll come back later when something grabs your interest... or you won't. Who cares? Do what you enjoy. Don't feel like you need to play games in particular.

    To be honest, if this is a problem it seems like gaming is a "default activity" and that you don't have anything else to do. So I'd suggest finding another hobby. Learn guitar. Hang out with friends. Make a list of books you want to read and read them. Play a sport. Write a book. Do art. Whatever. :)

  20. I bought 20 games this year on Steam, I have yet to download/play any of them. Last time I was on steam was 11 days ago, I'm not really that much into games any more..
  21. Yes, same here. I'm only 18 and don't play many games :(
  22. Playing games can be very time consuming. There are usually maybe 1-2 games released per year that I feel I must buy and play through right away. Most other games are just a passing curiosity to me, although I can get into them if I have nothing else to do.
  23. I have a bunch of games I want to play. Unfortunately, most are MMORPGs. And those take up more time than I can afford. Hard to compete in them without dedicating your life to them... can't do it.

    However, I am of the opinion that being a game player is a necessary thing for game developers. It's one of the best skills... knowing what makes a great game. And you learn a lot about game design, etc. from playing them.

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  24. I think the types of games I enjoy has changed as I have gotten older, I have always loved, sandbox games or strategy games, but games like battlefield or story driven games bore me now, I put so many hours into Doom, Quake, Counterstrike when I was younger but now, they don't hold the same interest, and I don't find I have the time for long story driven games or MMO's any-more, having sunk tens of thousands of hours into them.

    My favourites atm are Kerbal Space Program, X-Com, Minecraft, DayZ and War Thunder. Though I am itching to get into another good Space 4X and maybe the new Mount and Blade, I have over 1,000 hours clocked on Warband from playing multi player mods.

    One surprise was Rome II, I bought that and started it but got board very quickly which was unusual given the hours sunk into its predecessors.

  25. Oh yes, looking forward to that one. Think its a couple years off release.
  26. -Already play guitar.
    -Books: No good ones left. Am reading some good European comic scanlations though.
    -Sports: I would if it would stop raining. Seriously though, I am trying to do more exercise and lose flab.
    -Write a book: Writers block, stuck on third paragraph of my fantasy novel (seriously).
    -Art: ahahaha.

    I am doing a few courses on Coursera which has made me think about some new horizons. Still there are those hours with time to fill where I gravitate back to the computer looking for games.

  27. I actually think making games skews your vision of playing games, it's like a flaw factory and your mind can't quite switch off.

    Started playing GTAV on Xbox360, first thing my mind says was *Horrible Anti-aliasing*, driving got a bit monotonous.. Just picked out all the flaws and it breaks the immersion and experience. Because in your own games that's what you train yourself to do, bring out all the flaws so you can improve it but that has a knock on effect.

  28. I love gaming; it's part of who I am.

    But, right now I'm in the same place as others: I need a break. It's good to pull out my MIDI editor and do something that dosen't revolve around code, or to spend more time learning kendo, or to enjoy a nice Texas spring day.

  29. I realized that I used to play games simply as an escape from stress and as a cathartic response to my stressful job. Now that I'm running my own company building games and assets, I find that I don't play games. Part of this is because of what other's have said... the desire to be more productive trumps any desire to waste time/life playing games. Part of it is getting older, perhaps more mature, and taking less enjoyment out of games and media in general.

    I've purcahsed a few games on steam in the last 2 years, on sale, and have yet to play them. The only game I tune into on any type of regular basis is Arma3, and mainly it's because I enjoy just roaming around the Altis terrain environment... must be one of the best put-together terrains in any game ever (imho).

    That said if GTA5 ever comes to PC, I'll buy it. I probably won't play it all that much, but I'm very much drawn to sandbox games.... I just want to go into a game world and do my own thing for 30-45 minutes, then check out back to real life again.

  30. SVGK


    Jan 25, 2014
    Most games I've gotten worn out from, the only game I consistently play a lot is Octodad: Dadliest Catch, it doesn't get old for whatever reason.
  31. I play more retro games for pure gameplay ,emulation and rpg games, PC FPS and Zombies games are really copy/paste and it's becoming borring, it's not ultra violence and zombies that makes a good game. I prefer lot more JRPG games specially when scenario and super involving (Xenoblade on WII)

    Some times, i feel playing a game is loosing time because when you make a game, you are creative, you create something with your skills, you improve through time and try to deliver some game at the best of your skills level.
    Yep, try to not fall in the consummer path, and be more active, create instead.

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  32. there are enough good/fun games out there. Maybe you should go for the more indie level of games, instead of e.g. blockbusters (triple A that is), to get inspired yet again :) (or the other way around.. )

    When i get dull/bored about a hobby of mine or work for that matter.. i tend to find the jewels other made, in my hobby/work field, so i get inspired again.

  33. There are lot of good and/or truly original new games coming out. But it can be hard to find the ones that are right for you.
  34. Yeah, I tend to play a game for a half an hour and then never touch it again, my wallet is really mad at me for it. I think I like the idea of playing a game more than the game itself.

    Only exception is Animal Crossing, I've played that at least 5 hours a week every week since last June. Some weeks it's been more like 30 hours, it's the only game I can pick up at any time and have fun with it.

  35. If that's what growing up means, you can count me out!

    Gotta say, I'm the opposite. Really enjoyed Assassin's Creed 4 recently. Like, a lot.

  36. Actually, playing games is quite good for the brain - even if it's not directly teaching things. Playing games is problem solving, one of the best things you can do for your brain. The problem is: beating a level, beating a boss, figuring out some strategy for something, etc. There are also games such as Minecraft that are very good for the brain in that they unleash creativity.

    Of course, making games is an amazing brain workout too if that's what you're into (I'm personally very much into getting a good brain workout, one of the reasons I love programming). But I think that making a little time for game playing is certainly a good thing for a game developer :)

  37. Been nursing one hell of an addiction to SMITE of late - it's simple yet fun, which makes it great for playing with my kids in the evenings. Of course, that impacts game projects a bit but hey ;).
  38. Ok dammit I love RPGs (not JRPGs). That's pretty much it. Ideally 3D open world like:
    -Dragon Age
    -Mount and Blade

    I used to play 2D RPG but after Morrowind I really couldn't go back. I really don't play much else anymore TBH.
    There's only 3 RPGs in "my" style coming out this year that I'm aware of.
    -Dragon Age 3
    -Ravens Cry
    -Bound by Flame

    I tried ESO beta but couldn't get into it. So its pretty much single player 3D RPG or bust with me.

  39. Heu


    Feb 13, 2012
    I've been thinking about this and it's not just about games, I think more of a general thing. At some point of any activity it'll become monotonous for some, others become bored faster than another.

    A change of scenery is something everyone needs. Which is sometimes a father leaves, or a man quits his job, or that cartoon is no longer funny. In the end they'll all look back and see if they made the right choice, sometimes they'll continue with their current scene, and sometimes they'll go back to the past scene and enjoy it a little more than they did before. You know this reminds me of "Walden" by Thoreau, when he said something along the lines of "I've lived my life here, and now I'm moving to live another.".

    A need for a break from video games will come to others late or early, and some will take that break, and once on that break they'll decide to return to enjoy a little more. I don't believe there's ever a time where a person gets entirely bored of something and never comes back, I believe that everyone who decides to take a break, continues to stay on that break. Whether the break is a few days or forever, they'll continue to stay.

    In the short sense, Take a break of video games if you get bored. You'll come back in a few months playing games with more pleasure than before, or you'll still be waiting for that pleasure to come from gaming.

  40. Life's too short to just do one thing, hopefully everyone has many interests along the way. Personally I am really digging the new possibilities opening up in VR with the rift, that's something that could make a lot of things fresh again.
  41. They were just examples. Come up with your own things to do. :p

    Also, re: the book, if you're stuck on a paragraph I think there might be better approaches! I'd never start writing something by sitting down and getting into free prose... ;)

  42. We blame companies for making "bad games", but reality is this is a natural process.
    No entertainment will make you enjoy your time on it forever. When I feel bored or unhappy about games I just take a break of a few days.
  43. You might like Witcher 2 then. The results of some of your decisions are probably going to shock you. And the environments are pretty large and open.

    And Dragon's Dogma too.

  44. I loved the Witcher 1 2. Looking forward to Witcher 3. Kinda glad they put it off for a year actually.
    The new Ultima, Shroud of the Avatar might be ok as well, almost forgot about that one.
  45. I've been on programming hideous as of late. Too many transitions in the work place/romantic life. That being said, I've found some solace in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Ganondorf FTW.
  46. If you ever need to play mind games with someone, be sure to learn Princess Peach or Pikachu. You can troll so hard...
  47. Few times in my life I was so excited about the games to come.

    I'm sorry you feel bored of playing, but it's something very personal that is happening to you. Not only there are so many options, there is also an incredible level of innovation. And if all that fails, it had never been such a perfect time to create your own games.

    To me at least, this year will be a great one for gaming.

  48. I get a bit puzzled when I read this because there certainly are no good RPG's out as of late.

    I'm not at all into "innovative" whatever that means, did you mean hyped?

    I just like solid RPG with good story and character class, customisation, loot balance, stats, etc. It doesn't have to be pretentious or bullshit me, it just has to do RPG style well and I'm pretty happy. On the other hand games that oversell themselves annoy me. There's much dishonesty in games advertising.

  49. The next Max ( the Magic Marker) game in 3D looks very interesting to me that I might even buy download it but to me both the hype and the flat out oversaturation of games is the real turn off. It's like having satellite TV with hundreds of channels and yet everything is not only American reruns but American reruns of the newer shows that aren't any good. If it's your aspiration that's a definite turn off to actually spending a lot of money to produce a game or advertise a published title because how often do you flip to a TV Guide to search out a new maybe possibly interesting show versus turning to a show / channel that you know even if you do find it boring now. That's the situation in the modern game arena - the ones that have interest ones playing the 1st time, or maybe not.

    Gaming console is definitely under utilized compared to what it's capable of...with the automatic controls of HDMI for example you can program game console to turn on during severe weather warnings to give safety proceedings, turn on to remind to take medicine, or even make games to teach weather, driving, and various safe behavior so that the behavior becomes second nature or not a once a year thing in school.

    This might sound nerdy to most people but you hear all the time of 'educational' and 'historic' games - why not enter into a new genre of safety games and simulators and make them fun and entertaining so that people want to play and do themselves, their families, and their neighbors a good service to boot?

  50. Well, that's the problem then. Game designers usually don't make games to satisfy you, but there own interests. If you had more varied tastes, then you would not be so dissatisfied.

    But don't miss this opportunity to create the game you want to play but no one else is making. No reason to complain. Quite the opposite. You have a substantial motivation to start creating your own videogame right there.

I'm Starting to Get Bored of Games, How Do I Get Back Into It
