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And I ll Raise Up Do It Again

Hamlet's Soliloquy: Now might I practice it pat, now he is praying (3.three)


Now might I do information technology pat, now he is praying;
And now I'll do't. And so he goes to heaven;
And and so am I revenged. That would exist scann'd:
A villain kills my begetter; and for that, (80)
I, his sole son, do this same villain transport
To sky.
O, this is hire and salary, non revenge.
He took my male parent grossly, total of bread;
With all his crimes broad blown, equally affluent as May;
And how his audit stands who knows save sky?
Merely in our circumstance and form of thought,
'Tis heavy with him. And am I then revenged,
To take him in the purging of his soul,
When he is fit and season'd for his passage? (ninety)
Up, sword; and know thou a more than horrid hent:
When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage,
Or in the incestuous pleasance of his bed;
At game, a-swearing, or about some human action
That has no relish of salvation in't;
Then trip him, that his heels may kick at heaven,
And that his soul may exist as damn'd and black
As hell, whereto information technology goes. My mother stays:
This physic only prolongs thy sickly days.

Keep to Soliloquy Commentary


Even More...

 Hamlet's Silence
 An Excuse for Doing Null: Hamlet'southward Delay
Foul Deeds Will Ascension: Hamlet and Divine Justice
 Defending Claudius - The Charges Against the King
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 Village's Humor: The Wit of Shakespeare'south Prince of Denmark
 All Well-nigh Yorick
 Hamlet'southward Melancholy: The Transformation of the Prince
 Hamlet's Antic Disposition: Is Hamlet's Madness Real?

 The Significance of the Ghost in Armor
 The Significance of Ophelia's Flowers
 Ophelia and Laertes
 Mistrusted Dear: Ophelia and Polonius

 Divine Providence in Hamlet
 What is Tragic Irony?
 Seneca's Tragedies and the Elizabethan Drama
 Shakespeare'due south Sources for Hamlet

 Characteristics of Elizabethan Tragedy
 Why Shakespeare is so Important
 Shakespeare's Linguistic communication
 Shakespeare's Influence on Other Writers

 Daily Life in Shakespeare's London
 Life in Stratford (structures and guilds)
 Life in Stratford (trades, laws, furniture, hygiene)
 Stratford School Days: What Did Shakespeare Read?

 Games in Shakespeare'southward England [A-L]
 Games in Shakespeare's England [M-Z]
 An Elizabethan Christmas
 Clothing in Elizabethan England

 Queen Elizabeth: Shakespeare'due south Patron
 Male monarch James I of England: Shakespeare's Patron
 The Earl of Southampton: Shakespeare'due south Patron
 Going to a Play in Elizabethan London

 Ben Jonson and the Decline of the Drama
 Publishing in Elizabethan England
 Shakespeare'due south Audition
 Faith in Shakespeare's England

 Abracadabra and Astrology in Shakespeare'due south Twenty-four hour period
 Entertainment in Elizabethan England
 London's First Public Playhouse
 Shakespeare Hits the Large Time

Points to Ponder

"Hamlet tells u.s.a. also that Claudius is an arrant sensualist, and his moving picture of Claudius in the queen's bed is of a sort to plow the tummy. But what can Hamlet know of the intimacies of the bridal bedroom? We must fall back on the explanation that Claudius' general grapheme justifies Hamlet'south imaginative description. Unfortunately for Hamlet, no i else in the play finds Claudius unchaste. In that location is no gossip about the sensuality of his relations with Gertrude, such as in that location is virtually the sensuality of Antony's relations with Cleopatra. We have no account of other women he has debauched, as nosotros have a list of Macbeth's villainies. We have no pregnant comment in this play such every bit Ulysses makes of Cressida" [Howard Mumford Jones, The Charges Against King Claudius]. Read on...
More to Explore Hamlet: The Complete Play with Explanatory Notes
 Notes on Act 3, Scene 3 and Report Questions
 The Hamlet and Ophelia Subplot
 The Norway Subplot in Hamlet

Village Basics
Hamlet: Plot Summary with Key Passages
 Analysis of the Characters in Hamlet
 Deception in Hamlet
 Problem Plays and Revenge Tragedy

 The Purpose of The Murder of Gonzago
 The Dumb-Bear witness: Why Hamlet Reveals his Knowledge to Claudius
 Village's Relationship with the Ghost
 Philological Examination Questions on Village

 Quotations from Village (with commentary)
Hamlet Study Quiz (with detailed answers)
 Analysis of I am sick at heart (1.ane)
Village: Q & A

Did You lot Know? ... An English translation of Belleforest'south mid sixteenth-century Histories Tragiques appeared in quarto form in 1608. It is The Hystorie of Hamblet. The translation was perhaps in circulation before this, but whether it or Shakespeare'due south work came first in unknown. The focus of Chapter 3 of the The Hystorie of Hamblet is the closet scene and it is fascinating to compare it to Shakespeare'southward version. To say that Hamblet is more vengeful than our hero is an understatement:
"cartoon his sworde thrust information technology into the hangings, which done, pulled the counsellor (half dead) out past the heeles, fabricated an end of killing him, and beeing slaine, cut his bodie in pieces, which he caused to exist boyled, and so cast it into a vaulte or privie, that so information technology mighte serve for foode to the hogges."
Please see A Note on the Hystorie of Hamblet for a discussion on its connection to Shakespeare.


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 Soliloquy Analysis: O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!... (2.ii)
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 Claudius and the Condition of Denmark

 In Hole-and-corner Conference: The Coming together Between Claudius and Laertes
 O Jephthah - Toying with Polonius
 The Death of Polonius and its Impact on Hamlet's Character
 Blank Poesy and Diction in Shakespeare's Hamlet
